This summer EEA will be touring England to ask the nation; what are your maritime memories and what is your connection to the sea?
This summer Corelli College will be opening its doors to the Inventor’s Imaginarium, a place of wonder and ground breaking discovery!
EEA in along with Output Arts created Spring Waking to celebrate the Spring Equinox and mark the changing of the seasons.
Arts Council England invest £248,601 in Emergency Exit Arts for Paper Peace, a project developing 5 collaborative partnerships in the UK.
EEA along with HOME Slough, Creative People and Places and Creative Junction brought astronomical discovery into the centre of Slough.
Inspired by what we want to see outside of our windows, we worked with 800 participants to create a beautiful lantern parade.
Inspired by the wonderful world of Roald Dahl, EEA brought Eltham High Street to life with hundreds of lanterns and drumming bands.
Rothbury Hall will be throwing open it’s doors to host it’s third FUN PALACE, a free worldwide celebration of arts, science and culture.
Take the opportunity to learn and develop in the Creative Forums including TED style talks and hands-on workshops.
Find out about opportunities to develop senior leadership roles for black, minority ethnic and disabled leaders across the arts.
As the 18-month project draws to a close the young producers have developed a creative heritage scrapbook. See the work they have done.
Arts Council England invest £243,000 in Emergency Exit Arts to develop a Greenwich Making Space