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Help us to Build our Fun Palace!


On the 2nd October 2016, Rothbury Hall will be throwing open its doors to host its third FUN PALACE, a free worldwide celebration of arts, science and culture.

This year’s Fun Palace is entitled “Drawn Together” and we’re teaming up with our friends at A-LINE ART to bring our local community radical FREE fun which explores the wonder of colour.

We’re looking for artistic and scientifically minded members of the Greenwich community to share their talents, skills, ideas and knowledge. We need you!

We are looking for groups and individuals to become our Community Champions aged (aged 12-100) to help curate and invent this year's programme of activities. We believe that everyone has something to offer.

  • Musicians
  • Gardeners
  • Scientists
  • Athletes
  • Jugglers
  • Painters
  • Skippers
  • Inventors
  • Academics
  • Artists
  • Knitters
  • Thinkers

AND anyone who has a curious mind!

Perhaps you would like to lead an activity, demonstrate something, share your knowledge, skills or experiences or be involved more generally on a truly exciting day!

Interested? To register your interest in helping us to build our Fun Palace, or to share something at our Fun Palace please get in touch with Ross Bolwell [email protected] | 020 8853 4809

You can keep up to date with our programme by clicking here.

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