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Change Maker


Could you be a “Change Maker” with Emergency Exit Arts?

Arts Council England is offering opportunities to develop senior leadership roles for black, minority ethnic and disabled leaders across the arts. See more about this fund here
Could you be part of our senior leadership team and in the future be an Artistic Director, CEO or Executive Director of a national arts organisation?

Emergency Exit Arts is a leading light in outdoor arts and we are interested in applying for this fund with an ambitious, future leader in the arts.

We invite you to join us at an informal get-together to discuss “Change Makers” and how it might work for you. Is there another NPO or Museum who you’d also like to work with? Let us know and we can invite them to the discussion too! Please come to our informal gathering to meet us and senior leaders of other NPOs

When: Tuesday April 5th April 2016 5.30 - 7.30pm (feel free to drop in at any time if you can’t make the whole event)
Where: Rothbury Hall, Azof Street, Greenwich, SE10 0EF

RSVP [email protected] or contact us for further information

Feel free to pass this information on to others who you think might be interested.

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