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Free teachers resource “Peace is a Doing Word”


As part of EEA’s national programme PAPER PEACE which is currently happening in conjunction with our regional partners, we are pleased to share with teachers our accompanying free resources to help schools engage with the programme. The resources are called “Peace is a Doing Word” and they consist of…

The resources have been designed for KS2 & KS3 students and they can also be downloaded from the PAPER PEACE ARCHIVE

This workbook/zine has been created for your class to use it and help them on their quest to become a PEACE BUILDERS. We encourage your class to write in it, draw in it, rip it up and cut it up. This booklet is to help to stimulate their ideas and fuel the creative action they will take.

Running through each of the activities are the following questions…

What can you do today?

What can you do tomorrow?

What can you do as People?

We hope this helps inspire some positive peace in your school and wider community

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