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What's the Story of Rothbury Hall

  • Rothbury Hall

What’s the Story of Rothbury Hall was a heritage project that was conducted by the People’s Parlour in Winter 2018, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and in partnership with the Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust. With the help of local history experts and longstanding residents of the area, the group pieced together the fascinating past of Rothbury Hall, collecting stories of the people that frequented the hall over the years since it was built in 1894

The building was funded by prolific arms dealer Josiah Vavasseur and was gifted to the local community as a gathering place, a place that housed charitable schemes and once upon a time a place of worship. In one way or another Rothbury Hall has remained as an important hub of community togetherness in East Greenwich ever since, and since the mid 80’s has been Emergency Exit Arts’ home.

Click below to see the booklet that was put together over the course of the project and accompanied an exhibition that displayed many local artefacts and treasures, and featured live poetry and performances from the People’s Parlour group. You can also see the film that they created in partnership with University of Greenwich Film course students, documenting their exploration of the heritage of Rothbury Hall and of the East Greenwich area.‘

Click the video below to hear the interviews carried with residents of the area who shared their memories of Rothbury Hall, as well as their hopes for the future of this picturesque building of East Greenwich

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