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People’s Parlour


Calling all over 60s in the neighbourhood – we need you!

The doors at Rothbury Hall are open to all our local elder neighbours in East Greenwich to find out how you would like to change your local area at a grassroots level and explore new creative skills together.

It’s a wonderful way of getting to know one another through music, poetry, making and gardening over a cup of tea and cake.

For more information of how to get involved please call on 0208 853 4809 or contact us.

  • Peoples Parlour 1
  • Peoples Parlour 2
  • Peoples Parlour 3
  • Peoples Parlour 4
  • Peoples Parlour 5
  • Peoples Parlour 6
  • Peoples Parlour 7
  • Peoples Parlour 8
  • Peoples Parlour 9
  • Peoples Parlour 10

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