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Frank & McStein's Monster Laboratory

Venture into Frank & McStein's Monster Laboratory—Interactive Fire Show for All Ages!

Come and bear witness to sciences greatest and most terrible achievement...
If you dare!

Emergency Exit Arts & Lightfires present; 
Frank & McStein's Monster Laboratory: out of the lab, into the fire...
Professors Frank and McStein have set up their firey M.O.N.S.T.E.R. LAB 

    Science and 

Their sole intention is to wake the most frightening, horrific and disgraceful creature known to man!

Guided by Frank and McStein’s eminent colleagues and their team of Igors, work your way through the 6 fire-powered and interactive stations, earn yourself power-up tokens and feed them into the MONSTER-O-METER
The MONSTER-O-METER will grant the life force needed to awaken THE CREATURE!!!
But what will happen next…?
Will the creature wake…?
Will it be as fearful and horrific as the professors’ hope…?

The Monster Lab runs for a maximum of three hours during an evening with the option of running consecutive nights. Each installation will take participants roughly 5 minutes to complete, alongside a grand finale every 25 mins with a 5 min duration. 

“EEA's work is of the utmost quality and delights audiences of all ages at our festival each year. Monster Lab is a stunningly creative, very entertaining and unique interactive fire show featuring a talented ensemble of performers.”

Suzi Maciver
Renfrewshire Council

Booking form

If you are interested in having Frank & McStein's Monster Laboratory at your event or want more details, please get in touch.
Event date


Monster Lab Creative Team:  


  • Amy West
  • Jude O'Shaughnessy
  • Daz Alexander
  • Daisy Lee
  • Misha Zielinska




EEA are committed to delivering their fire shows in as sustainable a way as possible, this means using responsibly sourced fuels such as wood from a sustainable source, smokeless fuels and the use of biofuel for the gas effects - this biofuel is called Futuria Liquid Gas.

The gas is supplied to us by a method called Mass Balance which is explained here.


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