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Spin Cycle


EEA is excited to present our brand new mid scale touring show funded through the ACE Strategic Touring programme. This participatory, processional spectacular, with a cast of dance and physical theatre performers, investigates what we desire and discard as consumers and encourages people to act together to create change.

Spin Cycle will premier in the autumn of 2013 with 6 bookings already confirmed across London. EEA is thrilled to be collaborating with performance director Terry O’Donovan (Dante or Die) and designer Jenny Hayton (Feast on the Bridge).

Circulate, A consortium of six outer London venues (The Albany, Artsdepot, Tara Arts, Watermans, Harrow Arts Centre and Millfield Arts Centre) alongside EEA; GLA and The Audience Agency, will develop a three-year touring programme of outdoor arts projects. Six new community youth participation projects will be set up to widen and deepen participation and local engagement in the arts in each area.

This is very exciting for us. EEA’s role within this consortium is to:-

  • Provide the touring show for year 1 which will tour from Summer 2013.
  • Using our successful model of engagement to develop and extend our Street Arts Academy in collaboration with each venue, running for 3 years.
  • Set up a mentoring programme for the venues and other emerging outdoor arts companies, running for 3 years.

This is great news for us: after an incredibly busy 2012, it so exciting to be able to start planning a new touring show for 2013.

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