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Loosening Lockdown 2 - Free Webinar


Watch below for free.

EEA’s 2nd webinar gathered a variety of local authority managers, fundraisers as well as Health & Safety experts in the field to look at the immediate future of outdoor & community arts. As part We discussed what might safely be put on next and how one might go about it. An opportunity for you to sit back, think, listen and “chat” with other industry professionals.

Speakers include:

- Francois Matarasso, Chair

- Dana Segal, International Fundraising Consultant

- Brian Cleary MD, Sygma Safety & Events

- Gaynor Moyle - Precision Broking Ltd

- Takki Sulaiman, Royal Borough of Greenwich

- Rachel Wood, Oldham Council

These webinars are part of an ongoing series and will come out every two weeks on Wednesday, so make a note on your diary for 10 & 24 June as well as 8 & 22 July. Please keep an eye on our social media to hear about what's coming up next

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