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Arts Council, England’s NPO Funding Decision 2015-2018


A message from Deb Mullins, Artistic Director and a founder of EEA Emergency Exit Arts – A Way out of the Ordinary into the Extraordinary

Emergency Exit Arts is delighted to hear that we have been successful with our NPO application and that we will continue to be core funded by ACE for the next 3 years. This funding will be essential in our continuing quest to take surprising and provocative outdoor arts to some of the most socially, economically and culturally deprived areas across London and the UK.

Whilst we appreciate our continued support it was difficult hearing about some great arts organisations who will no longer be part of the Arts Council England’s National Portfolio. We hope that they will discover a way forward despite the decisions made yesterday.

Moving forward EEA is relishing the opportunity to continue reaching audiences of over 500,000 people per year, taking free and accessible arts to public spaces across the UK and beyond. We celebrate that the 20,000 young people we engage each year will continue to be fed by our creative practice, equipped with the skills needed to become the next generation of artists and inspired to rethink the future for all of us.

ACE funding represents 13% of our core activity so our small team of experienced and passionate staff will need to keep up their hard work to meet the challenge of finding new funding and meeting our ambitions. We will cultivate new partnerships with museums, libraries, education institutes and communities. Together with our team of dedicated creative practitioners we will innovate and explore ways of making extraordinary work.

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