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Loosening Lockdown – What's next for community & outdoor arts?


Event details

Wed 13 May 2020 • 4:00pm – 5:00pm

EEA had various plans for our 40th some of which have had to be shelved. However we are adapting well. But what comes after lockdown? EEA are organising our first ever webinar on Wednesday 13 May at 4pm. Chaired by renowned cultural commentator Francois Matarasso, 5 speakers will share their perspectives & thoughts on how the outdoor & community arts sector might navigate its way out of the lockdown. What impact can we have now, in the next few months, and further ahead into the future.

Speakers include:

Francois Matarasso

Jeanefer Jean-Charles

Jens Frimann – So Festival (and others)

Chris Tofu MBE

Maggie Clark

Daniel Bernstein

Please click this link to register in advance. Places limited to first 100 people

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