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Shermaine Slocombe

Shermaine Slocombe

I am a participatory and interdisciplinary artist and educator. I have worked in the cultural and education sector for over 20 years, devising, producing and delivering, authentic artistic experiences and immersive projects for both Primary and Secondary. I seek to empower young people to find their voice and place an importance on the way outcomes made by participants are presented and curated. I lead dance, theatre and visual art workshops, deliver teacher training, devise classroom resources and advise on education initiatives.

As an EEA practitioner I have engaged young people in creative learning and co-designed ambitious projects such as Cabinet of Oddities and Curiosities and Flight of Fancy. I have developed models for learning and collaborated with teachers to map creative and cultural projects to meet school aims and objectives.

I am passionate about the transformative power of the arts to bring communities and people together and the importance of creativity in education.

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